Analyse the tables and saved queries in an Access database with ADOX

The following code will enumerate the tables and their properties, together with the queries in an Access database. Saved SELECT queries are referenced using the Views collection, and INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE queries are referenced from the Procedures collection.

Dim columnTypes(205) 
columnTypes(0) = "Empty" 
columnTypes(2) = "SmallInt" 
columnTypes(3) = "Long Integer" 
columnTypes(4) = "Real" 
columnTypes(5) = "Double" 
columnTypes(6) = "Currency" 
columnTypes(7) = "Date" 
columnTypes(8) = "BSTR" 
columnTypes(9) = "IDispatch" 
columnTypes(10) = "Error Code" 
columnTypes(11) = "Boolean" 
columnTypes(12) = "Variant" 
columnTypes(13) = "IUnknown" 
columnTypes(14) = "Decimal" 
columnTypes(16) = "TinyInt" 
columnTypes(17) = "Unsigned TinyInt (BYTE)" 
columnTypes(18) = "Unsigned Small Int (WORD)" 
columnTypes(19) = "Unsigned Int (DWORD)" 
columnTypes(20) = "BigInt" 
columnTypes(21) = "Unsigned Big Int" 
columnTypes(64) = "FileTime" 
columnTypes(72) = "Unique Identifier (GUID)" 
columnTypes(128) = "Binary" 
columnTypes(129) = "Char" 
columnTypes(130) = "nChar" 
columnTypes(131) = "Numeric" 
columnTypes(132) = "User Defined (UDT)" 
columnTypes(133) = "DBDate" 
columnTypes(134) = "DBTime" 
columnTypes(135) = "SmallDateTime" 
columnTypes(136) = "Chapter" 
columnTypes(138) = "Automation (PropVariant)" 
columnTypes(139) = "VarNumeric" 
columnTypes(200) = "VarChar" 
columnTypes(201) = "Text" 
columnTypes(202) = "Text" 
columnTypes(203) = "Memo" 
columnTypes(204) = "VarBinary" 
columnTypes(205) = "Image" 

Dim Connstr, adox, Conn, tbl
ConnStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & Server.Mappath("NWind.mdb")

Set adox = CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog") 
Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") ConnStr 
adox.activeConnection = Conn 
Response.Write "<table><tr><td width=""25%"" valign=""top"">"

Response.Write "<h2>Tables</h2>"

For Each tbl In adox.Tables
On Error Resume Next
  If tbl.Type = "TABLE" Then
  Response.Write "<strong>" & tbl.Name & "</strong><br />"
  Response.Write "Date Created: " & tbl.DateCreated & "<br />"
  sql = "SELECT Count(*) FROM " & tbl.Name 
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then REsponse.Write "!!!!!!!" & sql
  Set rs = Conn.Execute(sql) 
  Response.Write "Total Rows: " & rs(0) & "<br /><br /><strong>Columns</strong><br/>"
  rs.Close : Set rs = Nothing
  Set table = adox.Tables(tbl.Name) 
    For Each column in table.columns 
	On Error Resume Next
	  Response.Write & " (" & columnTypes(column.type) & ") <br>"
	  If err.Number<>0 Then Response.Write err.Description
	  On Error Goto 0
	If Not Left(tbl.Name,1) = "q" Then
      Response.Write "<br /><strong>" & tbl.Name & " Indexes</strong><br />"
	  For Each index In tbl.Indexes 
		colNames = "" 
		sortOrders = "" 
		For Each col In index.Columns 
		  colNames = colNames & col.Name 
		  so = "ASC" 
		  If col.SortOrder = 2 Then so = "DESC" 
			sortOrders = sortOrders & so  
		Response.Write 	"Column Name(s): " &  colNames & _ 
		  "<br />Sort Order: " & sortOrders  
		Response.Write 	"<br/ >Index: " & index.Name & _ 
		  "<br />Unique: " & index.Unique & _ 
		  "<br />Clustered: " & index.Clustered & _ 
		  "<br />Primary Key: " & index.PrimaryKey  & "<br /><br />"
	End If	
	Response.Write "<br />"
  End If

Response.Write "</td><td width=""25%"" valign=""top"">"
Dim proc
Response.Write "<h2>Procedures</h2>"

For Each proc in adox.Procedures	
  Response.Write "<strong>" & proc.Name & "</strong><br>"
  Response.Write "Date Created: " & proc.DateCreated & "<br />"
  Response.Write Replace(proc.Command.CommandText,chr(13),"<br />")
  Response.Write "<p>"

Response.Write "</td><td width=""33%"" valign=""top"">"
Response.Write "<h2>Views</h2>"

For Each v in adox.Views
  Response.Write "<strong>" & v.Name & "</strong><br>"
  Response.Write "Date Created: " & v.DateCreated & "<br />"
  Response.Write Replace(v.Command.CommandText,chr(13),"<br />")
  Response.Write "<p>"

Response.write "</td></tr></table>"

Set table = nothing 
Conn.close:  Set Conn = nothing 
Set adox = nothing 