<%= Date()%> | 08/04/2007 |
<%=Now()%> | 08/04/2007 20:20:15 |
<%=Time()%> | 20:20:15 |
<%=FormatDateTime(Now(),vbGeneralDate)%> | 08/04/2007 20:20:15 |
<%=FormatDateTime(Now(),vbLongDate)%> | 08 April 2007 |
<%=FormatDateTime(Now(),vbShortDate)%> | 08/04/2007 |
<%=FormatDateTime(Now(),vbLongTime)%> | 20:20:15 |
<%=FormatDateTime(Now(),vbShortTime)%> | 20:20 |
<%=Year(Now())%> | 2007 |
<%=Month(Now())%> | 4 |
<%=Day(Now())%> | 8 |
<%=Hour(Now())%> | 20 |
<%=Minute(Now())%> | 20 |
<%=Second(Now())%> | 15 |
<%=WeekDay(Now())%> | 1 |
<%=WeekDayName(WeekDay(Now()))%> | Sunday |
<%=WeekDayName(WeekDay(Now()),1)%> | Sun |
<%=MonthName(Month(Now()))%> | April |
<%=MonthName(Month(Now()),1)%> | Apr |
DatePart("d", Now) | 8 (Day of Month) |
DatePart("w", Now) | 1 (Day Of Week) |
DatePart("m", Now) | 4 (Month of Year) |
DatePart("ww", Now) | 15 (Week of Year) |
DatePart("y", Now) | 98 (Day of Year) |
DatePart("yyyy", Now) | 2007 (Year) |
DatePart("q", Now) | 2 (Quarter) |
DatePart("h", Now) | 20 (Hour) |
DatePart("n", Now) | 20 (Minute) |
DatePart("s", Now) | 15 (Second) |
vbUseSystem |
0 |
Uses the National Language Support API to determine the first full week based on the regional and language settings. |
vbFirstJan1 |
1 |
Sets the first week as the week in which January 1 occurs. (Default) |
vbFirstFourDays |
2 |
Sets the first week as the first week to have at least four days in it. |
VbFirstFullWeek |
3 |
Sets the first week as the first week that begins on a Sunday. |
DatePart("ww", Now, vbUseSystem) | 14 |
DatePart("ww", Now, vbFirstJan1) | 15 |
DatePart("ww", Now, vbFirstFourDays) | 14 |
DatePart("ww", Now, VbFirstFullWeek) | 15 |
Use of concatentation to customise date display:
<% Response.Write WeekDayName(WeekDay(Now())) & _ ", " & MonthName(Month(Now())) & _ " " & Day(Now()) & ", " & Year(Now()) %>
Sunday, April 8, 2007
To write out the ordinal suffix for the day:
<% Select Case Day(Now()) Case 1,21,31 ordsuffix = "st" Case 2,22 ordsuffix = "nd" Case 3,23 ordsuffix = "rd" Case else ordsuffix = "th" End select Response.Write (WeekDayName(WeekDay(Now()))) Response.Write (", ") Response.Write (MonthName(Month(Now()))) Response.Write (" ") Response.Write (Day(Now()) Response.Write (ordsuffix) Response.Write (" ") Response.Write (Year(Now()) %>
Sunday, April 8th 2007