Archive For July 2016
Loading ASP.NET Core MVC Views From A Database Or Other Location
calendar_today 21 July 2016 08:56
For the vast majority of ASP.NET Core MVC applications, the conventional method of locating and loading views from the file system does the job nicely. But you can also load views from other sources including a database. This is useful in scenarios where you want to give users the option to craft or modify Razor files but don't want to give them access to the file system. This article looks at the work required to create a component to obtain views from other sources, using the database as a working example.
ASP.NET Web Pages vNext or Razor Pages
calendar_today 15 July 2016 14:09
Now that the RTM of ASP.NET Core has shipped, the ASP.NET team are looking at the features that were left behind including SignalR and Web Pages. The ASP.NET Core road map always had those items scheduled for inclusion in the first major release after RTM, which will be ASP.NET Core 1.1. Recently, the ASP.NET Team provided an update on GitHub on the goals driving the next version of Web Pages which provides an interesting insight into the potential features of the framework.