Adding A Model

This tutorial is the fourth in a series of a Visual Basic versions of the Introduction to ASP.NET MVC 5 tutorials published on the site. The original series, produced by Scott Guthrie (twitter @scottgu ), Scott Hanselman (twitter: @shanselman ), and Rick Anderson ( @RickAndMSFT ) was written using the C# language. My versions keep as close to the originals as possible, changing only the coding language. The narrative text is largely unchanged from the original and is used with permission from Microsoft.

This tutorial series will teach you the basics of building an ASP.NET MVC 5 Web application using Visual Studio 2013 and Visual Basic.  A Visual Studio Express For Web project with VB source code is available to accompany this series which you can download.

The tutorial series comprises 11 sections in total. They cover the basics of web development using the ASP.NET MVC framework and the Entity Framework for data access. They are intended to be followed sequentially as each section builds on the knowledge imparted in the previous sections. The navigation path through the series is as follows:

  1. Getting Started
  2. Adding a Controller
  3. Adding a View
  4. Adding a Model
  5. Creating a Connection String and Working with SQL Server LocalDB
  6. Accessing Your Model's Data from a Controller
  7. Examining the Edit Methods and Edit View
  8. Adding Search
  9. Adding a New Field
  10. Adding Validation
  11. Examining the Details and Delete Methods

4. Adding a Model

In this section you'll add some classes for managing movies in a database. These classes will be the "model" part of the ASP.NET MVC app.

You’ll use a .NET Framework data-access technology known as the Entity Framework to define and work with these model classes. The Entity Framework (often referred to as EF) supports a development paradigm called Code First. Code First allows you to create model objects by writing simple classes. (These are also known as POCO classes, from "Plain Old CLR Objects.") You can then have the database created on the fly from your classes, which enables a very clean and rapid development workflow. If you are required to create the database first, you can still follow this tutorial to learn about MVC and EF app development. You can then follow Tom Fizmakens ASP.NET Scaffolding tutorial, which covers the database first approach.

Adding Model Classes

In Solution Explorer, right click the Models folder, select Add, and then select Class.

Adding a model


Enter the class  name "Movie".

Add the following five properties to the Movie class:

Namespace Models
    Public Class Movie
        Public Property ID As Integer
        Public Property Title As String
        Public Property ReleaseDate As DateTime
        Public Property Genre As String
        Public Property Price As Decimal
    End Class
End Namespace

We'll use the Movie class to represent movies in a database. Each instance of a Movie object will correspond to a row within a database table, and each property of the Movie class will map to a column in the table.

In the same file, add the following MovieDBContext class:

Imports System.Data.Entity

Namespace Models
    Public Class Movie
        Public Property ID As Integer
        Public Property Title As String
        Public Property ReleaseDate As DateTime
        Public Property Genre As String
        Public Property Price As Decimal
    End Class

    Public Class MovieDbContext
        Inherits DbContext

        Public Property Movies As DbSet(Of Movie)
    End Class

End Namespace

The MovieDBContext class represents the Entity Framework movie database context, which handles fetching, storing, and updating Movie class instances in a database. The MovieDBContext derives from the DbContext base class provided by the Entity Framework.

In order to be able to reference DbContext and DbSet, you need to add the following Imports statement at the top of the file:

Imports System.Data.Entity

You can do this by manually typing the Imports statement, or you can click on the blue squiggly line under DbContext, press Shift + Alt + F10 and choose Import 'System.Data.Entity' from the context menu.

Adding a model


We've finally added a model (the M in MVC). In the next section you'll work with the database connection string.