VBScript to C# - Equivalent string functions

A Cheat Sheet containing the VBScript string functions and their equivalent methods in C#.

C# Equivalent
InStr Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another. The search begins at the first character of the string IndexOf()
InStrRev Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another. The search begins at the last character of the string -
LCase Converts a specified string to lowercase ToLower()
Left Returns a specified number of characters from the left side of a string SubString()
Len Returns the number of characters in a string Length()
LTrim Removes spaces on the left side of a string TrimStart()
RTrim Removes spaces on the right side of a string TrimEnd()
Trim Removes spaces on both the left and the right side of a string Trim()
Mid Returns a specified number of characters from a string SubString()
Replace Replaces a specified part of a string with another string a specified number of times Replace()
Right Returns a specified number of characters from the right side of a string SubString()
Space Returns a string that consists of a specified number of spaces PadLeft(), PadRight()
StrComp Compares two strings and returns a value that represents the result of the comparison Compare(), Equals()
String Returns a string that contains a repeating character of a specified length -
StrReverse Reverses a string -
UCase Converts a specified string to uppercase ToUpper()